Monday, September 26, 2011


They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so let me just start with this one.

I don’t know why I think it is so funny, but I do. Photomom and her daughter were new to this team and this picture was number 48 out of the 158 pictures she sent to the team after our second weekend of soccer. In less than 50 pictures, she captured so many things about MyGirl’s team.
1. See the girl in the forefront. Notice how much sympathy she is getting from our team (and hers!). I can almost guarantee you that the girls in blue are hovering around this girl stretching their hamstrings and lunging back and forth to stay limber for the next takedown, um, I mean next play.
2. See the coaches. They are not even remotely interested in whether this girl needs help. It’s not their player, right? This is the perfect opportunity to explain what could have happened differently.
3. See the kids tumbling in the background. You can’t go to anything soccer without seeing younger siblings running around playing with each other. The younger siblings are even allowed to play with the younger siblings from the other team….but it isn’t usually encouraged.

Picture #2

Love this picture too – mainly because it’s not our team grabbing onto another player hanging on for dear life. This is the move of a desperate defender. Rarely gets called a foul. It’s a contact sport, so we deal with it. Also, notice that our player’s arm is up too. The refs might have considered this an “even tackle.” Or the refs might have been standing in the center of the field paying attention to the little kids practicing their tumbling on the next fields. Who knows?

Picture #3

I had to include this picture of SpeedOfLightGirl. I think it’s a great picture of her. Wouldn’t you be scared of her? The great thing about this girl is that there is no need to be afraid. You just need to be aware. Be aware that she is about to zip in front of you and take possession of the ball. She is not only always where she is supposed to be, but most importantly, always where the team needs her to be.

Special Thanks to Photomom for all of the pictures you have sent out. I freakin' love it and they are GREAT pictures.