Sunday, September 8, 2013


I was first introduced to the term “unlucky” when my daughter played for Coach #1. The girls were eight years old. The girls would shank a ball, make a ridiculous pass or score on themselves and Coach #1 would yell, “Unlucky! Next time….”

From that point on, I have said “Unlucky!” whether we were really unlucky or if she just weren’t playing well.

Lately, I have come to truly find out the meaning of the term. My family and I have endured some bad, bad luck.

When my kids were very small, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. About a year and a half ago, Sister #4 was diagnosed. She is a data-type girl and wanted to find out if there was a genetic relation to my mother’s cancer. Sister #4 tested positive for BRCA1 gene.

Lots of soul searching ensued and Sisters 1,2,3 and me had to decide whether or not to get tested.

In the meantime, I have had an extra large kidney stones (Hospital stay included). Hubs had a kidney stone. My boy had appendicitis and then Liz with ACL injury.

Sister #4 ended up with some serious treatment for her cancer diagnosis. Another sister ended up with gene. Another sister ended up without the gene and I had decided not to get tested,simply because I did not want to know.

AND ACL recovery is like a second job. I didn’t have the time or the mental capacity to deal with much more than being a Rehab Nazi Mom.

Anyhow, problems ensued and I ended up having the test and testing positive for the gene.

For a while - a long while, I tried to pretend like I didn’t test. I tried to pretend like I was going to live with these issues. I did a lot of research, talked to ALOT of doctors,and finally ended up deciding to have a bilateral masectomy with reconstruction and later I will have another surgery to have some other parts of me removed.

That’s pretty unlucky - wouldn’t you say?

Well, it gets better.

We packed up the boy and dropped him off for Governor’s school for the summer. On his 16th birthday, I drove his car to work so that Hubs could get my tags on my car. On the way to work, I rammed into the back of someone and totaled it.

Nervous breakdown ensued. Seriously, I ran away from home for a weekend. Funny now…. not so funny that weekend.

Finally get that taken care of…. (with the help of some dear friends). Turned around twice and my surgery date was here.

Two Fridays before my surgery, my mom went to the doctor and came home with bad news. The bad news got worse and the Friday I came home from the hospital it was ovarian cancer. Stage 4. My momma is sick. Very sick.

NOW - That is some unlucky BS if I ever heard it.

But I was looking for some pictures of her and I found one of her and my dad on a recent family trip to Florida. I must have stared at that picture for 10 minutes. I looked at every
millimeter of their faces and do you know what I realized…. I AM NOT UNLUCKY AT ALL.

My mom was my mom for forty years and counting. And my dad has been my dad. And he adores her. My family has done exactly what my mother and father have taught us to do in this situation. PONY UP. Help each other however and whenever you can. MAKE WHATEVER NEEDS TO HAPPEN - HAPPEN. They modeled this behavior for as long as I can remember.

My friends have been wonderful to me and have come from near and far to help us. People have been praying for me, my mom and my family that I haven’t seen in years. People have taken care of us. They insist on helping.

I want to thank the doctor at work that privately guided me through my surgery. To my boss and my co-worker that wouldn’t let me back out when I wanted to. To MPIC who was there always and still is. To my sweet girlfriend/sister that came down to spend a weekend with me before my surgery. To my sisters who have taken care of me and taken care of my mom and dad while I can't. To my kids who have lifted anything over five pounds for me in the last two weeks. To my husband that I love with all of my heart. I don’t know what I would do without you (or your humor). I am grateful for all of it…. and very, very lucky.

In other news, Liz is released. And watching soccer will again be in future.