Monday, March 18, 2013

Beware of the Ides of March

This blog is likely going to change tones. I'm almost positive that my readership of 10 will decrease to three-which is fine. Because as we all know, I write this for myself. MyGirl, my sweet, snarky, 13-year-old girl, endured a knee injury Saturday. Turns out it was an ACL and Meniscus tear. We don't know exactly what that means yet, but we know it ain't good. It's heart wrenching. As soon as she fell, she yelled, "Oh no! Oh my god, No!" I dropped my stuff and started running towards her because I know her and I have never heard her yell like that before.... Ever. Well, except for that one time that she broke her leg. I pulled up to practice just in time to hear her cry out, be carried to my car and make it to the urgent care before it closed -broken leg. As a baby, she cried incessantly-for two and a half years. But after that, the crying stopped. She rarely cried when she fell down, smashed fingers or even the time she got a black eye from running into the service counter at the primary school. I was not the kind of mom that would give my baby Benadryl to calm her own, but I was definitely the kind that would drop her off at Grandma's to get a break from the crying. Mamu always had the patience when I did not. She would always do things for Mamu that she wouldn't do for me- namely, stop crying. Anyway, she hurt herself, the Coach #4 called for us to come and get her, and there we were. She heard a pop. (Dang!) I knew we had to get her off the field, I knew I couldn't carry her more than five feet, I knew she was going to the ER. There are two things I will never forget about that day. One: one of the dads and his friend came down to help carry her to the car. The gate was locked and the had to lift her over a five-foot chain linked fence. Liz reminded me today that I said, "Someone should take a picture of this." I don't remember that... But it does sound like me. Second: the overwhelming support her teammates have given her and their parents have given me. I'm not very big on feelings. I'm getting better at it.... I figured out over the past year with all of the bad luck we have had, people love my kid (both of them actually) and that means that I have done two things right in my life. Today, MPIC called to check on me. I tried to hold back but I cried. (I was due.) She shed a few tears with me and said, "She is strong and she will be fine and she has you behind her." Choking back tears, I said, "And you." (Water works) When MyGirl thinks for a second that she can't do something, I will push her. All of our friends will tell her that she can. And when she really thinks she can't do something, we will call in the last resort - Mamu. Today, we cry and sulk and lay around and watch movies. Tomorrow- the road to recovery begins. P.S. Dear God, thank you for the friends and family I have. Thank you for the friends that MyGirl has. Thank you for giving her a team. Thank you for my husband who has tolerated my anxiety and helped me remain somewhat composed. Thank you for giving me a daughter that will make the best of this situation and a son that will help her and keep us laughing as we Forrest Gump our way through it.